Community Connections Guide
A guide to basic needs, supports and services throughout Elgin County. Please note this publication is produced every other year (bi-annually) from data provided by The Healthline including the following service categories: childcare, clothing/household items, community centres, domestic violence/sexual assault, education, employment/training, financial support, food, health care, housing/shelter, identification, immigrant/newcomer/refugee services, legal/advocacy, libraries, mental health/additions, parenting, senior services, and transportation.
Would you like a printed copy of the Guide? Contact us for availability and pricing. (519) 631-9800
Food Programs and Services Guide for Elgin County
This guide lists a variety of programs and services including, but not limited to: food access programs, food banks and emergency food services, gardening programs, transportation to assist with groceries, and nutrition services by Registered Dietitians. Compliments of Southwest Public Health.