Community Resources

Community Connections Guide

A guide to basic needs, supports and services throughout Elgin County. Please note this publication is produced every other year (bi-annually) from data provided by The Healthline including the following service categories: childcare, clothing/household items, community centres, domestic violence/sexual assault, education, employment/training, financial support, food, health care, housing/shelter, identification, immigrant/newcomer/refugee services, legal/advocacy, libraries, mental health/additions, parenting, senior services, and transportation.

Would you like a printed copy of the Guide? Contact us for availability and pricing. (519) 631-9800

Food Programs and Services Guide for Elgin County  

This guide lists a variety of programs and services including, but not limited to: food access programs, food banks and emergency food services, gardening programs, transportation to assist with groceries, and nutrition services by Registered Dietitians. Compliments of Southwest Public Health.

Food Resources website

2-1-1 Ontario

211 connects people to the right information and services, strengthen Canada’s health and human services, and helps Canadians become more engaged with their communities. When you don’t know where to turn call 2-1-1 or visit their online resources.

211 Ontario
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