Homelessness DOES exist in St. Thomas & Elgin County
Many people picture the homeless as those living on the streets, in parks, in doorways and in other public places. But the “hidden homeless” – an estimated 80% of those without a place to call home – are much less visible and struggling every day.
(Source: Raising A Roof Website)

Did you know that 20% of Canada’s homeless population is between the ages of 13 & 24
In fact, during 2022, over 25% of those identified in our community as experiencing homelessness were between the ages of 16-24. This is greater than the national average. YWCA Youth Housing and Services directly support youth experiencing or at-risk of homelessness with a tailored approach designed for teens transitioning to adulthood.
of Canada's homeless population are youth
Housing is simply not affordable
In 2023, the average market rent for a one-bedroom apartment in St. Thomas was $1,097. (CMHC-SCHL Primary Rental Market Statistics) The current maximum shelter allowance for an Ontario Works (social assistance) recipient is $390. For someone receiving ODSP, the maximum is $556. (Source: Income Security Advocacy Centre)
Average one-bedroom apartment in St. Thomas
Your donation will go directly into our supportive housing and poverty intervention programs
Our housing programs are called “supportive housing” because we provide more than a roof over the heads of women, men, youth, and women-led families. Our residents are linked to a network of services including those that give them the opportunity to develop a variety of life skills. We help them set goals, increase their employability, and become better able to contribute to their community and broader society.
Our Supportive Housing program includes our residences (Horizon House, Unity House, Harmony House, Fairwinds for Youth, several independent living apartments, YWCA Women’s Residence, and our Women-Led Family Transitional Home)
Thank you to our generous community. With your contribution we raised
$72,081 during our 2024 Campaign!
Platinum ($10,000+)
Platinum ($5,000 – $9,999)
Gold ($3,000 – 4,999)
Silver ($2,000 – 2,999)
Bronze ($1,000 – 1,999)
Anne Kenny
Barb & Bruce Green
Don & Hazel Williams Charitable Foundation
Elgin Contracting & Restoration Ltd
Leigh Graham-Loreto
Lions Club of St.Thomas
Sara Teare
Shedden Oddfellows #310
2089317 Ontario Limited
$500 – $999
Deb & Carl Bagshaw
Faith Church St.Thomas
Judith & Robert Upsdell
Kinsmen Club of St.Thomas
Louis Beneteau
Sharon Battley
Sine Herold
Southwest Tax Service
United Way Elgin Middlesex
$250 – $499
Cathy & Greg Grondin
Colette & Joe Dodds
Donwest Custom Homes
Elizabeth Sebestyen
Luyks Siemens Helder LLP
Janet & Michael Golding
Ken Laing
Marie & Darwen Lowe
Mary-Ellen & Brian Bolt
Presbyterian Women’s Association (Nancy Newell)
Royal Canadian Legion Port Stanley – Branch 410
Sherene Casey
Optimist Club of St.Thomas
Williams Funeral Home
$50 – $249
Ashley Dunn
Barbara & John Campbell
Carol Mailing
Carole Godfrey
Diane & Mark William Sager
Hazel Broughton
Jeanne Thysman
June Chaput
Lindsay & Dane Rice
Marilynn Andrews
Mary Elaine Sandford
Monica Smith
St.John’s Presbyterian Church (Cookie Box)