Red Cross Babysitting

The Red Cross Babysitting program offers basic first aid and caregiving skills for youth 11-15 years old. Participants learn how to provide care to children in a variety of ages groups and how to prevent and respond to emergencies.  The course also offers youth the skills to promote themselves as babysitters to prospective families.

Topics covered include:

  • How to be responsible and demonstrate leadership
  • Decision making and managing difficult behaviours
  • Information on children’s developmental stages and specific strategies for each stage
  • How to feed, diaper, dress and play with children and babies
  • How to recognize and prevent unsafe situations, make safe choices and promote safe behaviours
  • First aid skills
  • The business of babysitting  

Cost: $65
Ages: 11 years of age (or completion of Grade 5)

Winter/Spring Schedule

  1. Saturday February 8, 9am-4pm at Springfield Library, Malahide Community Place (Register by January 31) 
  2. March Break: Wednesday March 12, 9am-4pm at YWCA St. Thomas-Elgin (Register by March 3) 
  3. Saturday March 22, 9am-4pm at Dutton Library (Register by March 14)
  4. PA day – Friday April 11 from 9am-4pm at Belmont Library (Register by April 4)
  5. PA Day – Friday May 30 from 9am-4pm at YWCA St. Thomas Elgin (Register by May 23)

*Please call for late registrations. Please note:  Programs will be available pending sufficient registration.

New Program – Lifesaving Society Safeguard

Safety supervision training for guardians (13+) who accompany children to pools or waterfronts. The course stresses the responsibility of safeguarding children in their care even when under lifeguard supervision. Safeguard focuses on water safety awareness, accident prevention and the principles of aquatic safety supervision. Safeguard teaches participants how to identify hazards and at-risk behaviours, how to recognize potential victims, and how to respond safely in an aquatic emergency. Safeguard training is designed for swimmers and non-swimmers alike in a classroom setting. Successful completion of the course is based on active participation and evidence of skills demonstration.

March Break Course, Tuesday March 11 from 10am-2pm
Ages 13+
Cost: $60/participant, includes exam fee; Register by February 28
Location: YWCA St. Thomas Elgin, 16 Mary Street West St. Thomas

How to register

  • ONLINE by clicking the REGISTER NOW button for the course you wish to register for.
  • Call (519) 631-9800 or 1-800-461-0954 or visit us at one of our office locations during business hours
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